A blog about how to achieve Financial Freedom

Category: The best of

What is financial freedom

This blog article is about financial freedom. It covers how to define financial freedom and how you can achieve it. It also gives you information about the approach I took to retire early to travel the world full-time. This blog article is part of the cornerstone content of From Penny to Many, so I will update it regularly and add links to relevant other blog articles for further reading.   Introduction When people think about financial freedom, they probably think of someone in their late 60’s. A retired person has saved his/her whole life and has a huge pension fund. […]


The BEST way to INVEST your money

An important part of obtaining financial freedom is investing the money you earn. Investing your money is essential in creating a passive income for yourself that will last you a lifetime. To understand your financial future, it’s important to understand the best way to invest your money for financial freedom. Investing is a container concept and not all ways of investing money are smart when it comes to achieving financial freedom. That’s why we differentiate between ‘standard’ investing and investing+. The last one is the best way to invest your money for financial freedom. In this blog article, we will […]

How to create an online course

How to CREATE an online COURSE

An online course is a great way to create a passive income. In this article, we cover how to create an online course and give the ultimate tips to create your own online course, including the best platform you can choose for your online course. Creating an online course is a great way to invest without having money in the bank. An online course is all about investing time. This will convert into passive income later on. If you consider making money online by sharing information on a subject you are interested in, this article is a great resource. There […]

Ten BIG MISTAKES when investing in rental property (part 2)

Ten BIG MISTAKES investing in rental property 2

One of the most common and interesting ways to invest your money is to buy real estate. In part one of this blog article, we shared the first five big mistakes when investing in rental property. In this article, we complete the list with the other five of the ten big mistakes when investing in rental property. How to invest in rental property? In just five years, we were able to build a small but sufficient real estate portfolio. We currently rent out two properties to students. Each house has three separate rooms, which are occupied by a student. We […]

Living on a weekly budget of only 100 Dollars

Living on a WEEKLY BUDGET of only 100 Dollars

One of the best ways to realize your dream is to save enough money and to spend as little as possible on things that are not directly contributing to your dream. Saving costs by minimizing your daily expenses is the way to go if you are looking for a growing bank account. Although this is quite obvious, it can be very hard to actually do it. Temptations are everywhere: cool gadgets, new clothes, and fun things to do on the weekends. The opportunities to spend your money are endless. And let’s be honest: after a long week of working hard, […]

Ten BIG MISTAKES when investing in rental property

Ten BIG MISTAKES when investing in rental property

One of the most common and interesting ways to invest your money is to buy real estate. Even given all the ups and downs in the last ten years, real estate still proves to be an interesting and steady investment in the long run. If you are considering buying real estate and renting it out, please learn from our experiences and avoid making one of the ten big mistakes when investing in rental property. First, let’s explore our real estate portfolio and the reasons we are actively investing in rental property. Our real estate portfolio In the last few years, […]

Retire before you're 40

RETIRE before you’re 40

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could retire before you’re 40 years old? In this article, we share our story to inspire how you are also able to retire early. Not by working like crazy in a few years. This may seem a good way, but you will probably end up with a burnout, which will only help you retire even later. The day you don’t have to work anymore is a hallelujah moment for a lot of people. Some of us win the lottery, but most have to work a long time to reach the stage of their pension. […]

How we saved enough money to pay our houses in CASH

How to save to pay for a house in CASH

When we tell people that we don’t have a mortgage for our house, their reaction often is disbelief. If we add that we don’t have a mortgage for ANY of the three properties we own, the disbelief transforms into confusion. How is it possible? Read on if you are interested to learn how to save to pay for a house in CASH.  Last update: 11 December 2021 A mortgage is a common practice Yes, it is probably true that the most common practice is to mortgage your house when you are looking for a way to enter the housing market. […]

Cutting expenses vs earning more money_

CUTTING expenses vs EARNING more money?

Searching for ways to achieve your financial goal, we often look at two major options: spending less and earning more. But which is best? Cutting expenses vs earning more money: who wins the prize? Obviously, both create a way to save more money. By spending less and cutting your costs you can keep more money in your bank account. By earning more money you can increase your income. This will probably result in saving more money as long as you don’t start spending more.  We are taught to earn more It may feel like cutting expenses and earning more money […]

Financial Independence Retire Early

Financial Independence Retire Early

When you think of retirement you probably think of someone in their late 60s. A retired person has saved his whole life and has a huge pension fund. This way of retiring is the social norm and is used by plenty of people. A norm that we all know well, but it is certainly not the only way to retire. There are lots of other ways to prepare for your retirement and to retire at a young age! One option is to go for FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early.   What is financial independence retire early? Financial Independence Retire Early […]