A blog about how to achieve Financial Freedom

Category: SAVE money 💰

Set up your bank accounts for financial success

Set up your bank accounts for financial SUCCESS

Thinking about financially successful people you tend to picture an expensive lifestyle. Living in an enormous villa in an idyllic dream-away place. You would probably need a bank account of a millionaire to be financially successful. Right? Or is there a secret way how to set up your bank accounts for financial success? While the millionaire’s lifestyle may be a very recognizable way, it actually hasn’t got much to do with financial success. Financial success is more about creating a situation for yourself in which you are happy with the amount of money coming into your bank account given the […]

Tips when using Home Exchange

Tips using HOME EXCHANGE to save money on holidays

When looking for ways to save money and to create assets for extra income streams, it is key to look at the expenses you are already making. Which expenses do you actually have and which can you cut completely or can be reduced to a minimum? Our holiday expenses are not that high. But once when we discovered the possibilities of Home Exchange, we were super excited about the fun way it provided to save extra money. Here are our tips using Home Exchange to save money on holidays. About Home Exchange Home Exchange is a website that creates opportunities […]

How to use home exchange to save thousands of dollars on your holiday

How to use Home Exchange to save THOUSANDS of dollars

As travelers, we like to explore the world as much as possible. Given the opportunity, we set off on a new adventure in another country. Unfortunately, holidays are expensive. You have to travel to the location, pay for accommodation and rent a car or arrange transportation to get around. Add this to the extra costs of shopping, eating, and drinking, and all the fun activities you undertake and you are looking at an expense that often exceeds a few thousand dollars for a couple of weeks in the sun. So how to use Home Exchange to save thousands of dollars […]